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About Us

We are the Gym Group, a totally new way to exercise. Affordable, high-spec nationwide gyms, that make absolutely everybody feel welcome.Whatever your starting point, and wherever you want to go, we can help.

So we are for everyone who is had enough of the unbelievably-expensive-monthly-contract gym, or the make-me-feel-judged-the-moment-I-walk-through-the-door gym.

We think everybody deserves the support to reach their goals whatever they are, and without paying a premium or being tied into a contract. That's why we offer no pressure membership that you can stop and start whenever you want. Instead of being tied to a year's contract, and opening hours that just don't suit lots of us, like shift workers and students, you can have exactly the way you want it.

For a start we are open 24/7, almost every day of the year. And we won't make you sign a contract that ties you in. All we 'll do is give you the exact amount of encouragement and support you need,